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Innovative Tubularized Radial Artery Forearm Flap Technique for Comprehensive Reconstruction of Total Nasal and Anterior Palatal Defects: A Case Study

International Microsurgery Journal. 2024;8(2):1
DOI: 10.24983/scitemed.imj.2024.00189
Article Type: Case Report


Three-dimensional nasal reconstruction poses significant challenges, especially in cases involving total nasal defects accompanied by adjacent tissue loss. The complex anatomy of the nose, crucial to both aesthetics and function, complicates achieving successful outcomes. Autologous reconstruction using free flaps, such as the radial artery forearm flap (RAFF), often becomes necessary due to the scarcity of local tissue. However, conventional RAFF techniques may not adequately address extensive defects and complex anatomical disruptions. This study details the treatment of a 27-year-old patient with a total nasal defect from childhood mucormycosis using a novel tubularized RAFF technique, a method not previously documented in the literature. This technique was developed specifically to tackle the multifaceted challenges presented by significant nasal and adjacent structural damage. The reconstruction process was meticulously planned and executed in four distinct phases, each focusing on specific defect aspects to ensure a comprehensive approach. The method involved constructing stable nasal passages with skin-lined tubes, supported by temporary splints to prevent collapse, and reinforcing the nasal framework with costal cartilage to ensure structural stability. Postoperative assessments confirmed the successful integration of the radius bone into the central maxilla without any flap-related complications. The successful outcome of this case illustrates the potential of the tubularized RAFF technique to offer effective solutions for managing total nasal defects with adjacent structural deficiencies.


  • Free tissue flaps; mucormycosis; nasal cavity; nasal reconstruction; nasal septum; radial artery forearm flap; reconstructive surgical procedures; surgical flaps


Nasal defects significantly affect the physical health, social interactions, and psychological well-being of patients [1]. Arising from various causes, including trauma, infections, inflammatory diseases, exposure to toxins, and neoplasms [2], these defects necessitate effective treatment to enhance the quality of life. The nose plays a crucial role in facial aesthetics, influencing appearance and self-esteem, and is indispensable for essential functions such as breathing and olfaction [3]. Addressing these defects is vital for restoring both the appearance and the essential functions of the nose, thereby improving the overall health and emotional well-being of patients.

Nevertheless, achieving both aesthetically pleasing and functionally effective reconstruction in cases of complete nasal defects presents considerable challenges. These challenges primarily arise from the unique characteristics of nasal skin, such as its texture, thickness, and elasticity, which add significant complexity to the reconstruction process. Additionally, the intricate anatomy of the nose and its pivotal role in facial symmetry further complicate surgical efforts. Addressing these complexities requires meticulous planning, detailed preoperative assessments, customized surgical strategies, and precise execution. The use of appropriate cartilage grafts is crucial in overcoming these challenges. These grafts provide the necessary support to the reconstructed nasal structure, ensuring both stability and functionality. This approach is key to achieving successful surgical outcomes.

Among the various flaps used in nasal reconstruction, the radial artery forearm flap (RAFF) is commonly used. This procedure involves harvesting tissue from the forearm and folding it to reconstruct multiple nasal components, including the nasal lining and external structure [4]. However, in cases of extensive circumferential loss of nasal lining and apertures, traditional RAFF applications may be insufficient, as they might not provide adequate coverage or structural integrity, potentially resulting in suboptimal reconstruction outcomes.

To address the limitations inherent in conventional RAFF techniques for treating complex nasal defects, the authors have developed an innovative approach. This method involves tubularizing the RAFF to facilitate comprehensive nasal reconstruction, particularly in cases following severe infections. In this study, the technique was applied to a 27-year-old patient with a total nasal defect caused by a childhood infection, resulting in significant improvements in both functional and aesthetic outcomes. The findings provide valuable insights into advanced surgical strategies, highlighting the potential of the tubularized RAFF to refine and enhance current reconstructive practices through more tailored approaches.

Case Presentation

A 27-year-old man presented with a complex nasal defect, stemming from mucormycosis contracted in childhood. With no other significant medical history, he faced numerous barriers to receiving reconstructive surgery, leading to profound social discomfort over the years. Consequently, he often wore masks to avoid social encounters. Although he did not experience breathing difficulties, he reported frequent episodes of throat dryness, a symptom likely linked to his altered nasal anatomy and disrupted airflow dynamics.

A comprehensive examination revealed a complete loss of the nasal lining, structural support, and external cover. The anterior palate, incorporating four incisors, was severely damaged and displaced into the nasal cavity (Figure 1A). Externally, the nasal airway displayed significant alterations, characterized by a solitary opening at the level of the nasal bones. Despite these extensive external distortions, both computed tomography scans and nasal endoscopy affirmed that the internal nasal anatomy was intact and preserved.


Figure 1. Preoperative nasal defect and reconstructive strategy. (A) Clinical photograph depicting a severe total nasal defect resulting from childhood mucormycosis, characterized by an extensive loss of nasal tissue, including the lining, structural support, and external coverage. The anterior palate, including four incisors, is severely damaged and displaced into the nasal cavity, further exacerbating the facial deformity. (B) Schematic diagram illustrating the planned reconstructive approach, showing the framework for nasal reconstruction with meticulously designed skin cover and lining, arranged around the essential structural components.


Additionally, the patient had a vestibulo-nasal fistula, an abnormal connection between the nasal cavity and the oral vestibule. Extensive scarring extended from the nasal region to the upper lip, leading to a lack of alveolar support crucial for tooth stability. Consequently, this resulted in a retruded mid-facial profile, marked by the backward displacement of the mid-face area.

Extensive scarring and severe defects had profoundly altered the facial structure and appearance of the patient. To effectively address these multifaceted challenges, a meticulously planned and detailed reconstructive strategy was essential. Consequently, the tubularized RAFF technique was applied. This approach focused on restoring aesthetic appeal and reinstating functional capabilities, ensuring optimal outcomes for the patient.

Surgical Technique

The nasal reconstruction was meticulously organized into four distinct stages, each tailored to address specific aspects of the complex defect (Table 1). The initial planning stage involved precise design and customization, aimed at achieving both functional and aesthetic outcomes. Nasal lining and external cover were methodically planned using templates, which were applied over a cartilaginous framework to replicate the nasal structure (Figure 1B). This framework provided essential support and shape, ensuring the final outcome was stable and aesthetically appealing. Detailed descriptions of the techniques and strategies used at each stage are provided in the subsequent sections.



Stage 1: Lining Reconstruction
Under anesthesia, all scar tissue was meticulously excised to prepare for the reconstruction (Figure 2A). The septum was found to be absent, resulting in the nasal cavity being a single passage. An osteo-fasciocutaneous RAFF was harvested (Figure 2B). The cephalic vein was included in the flap to ensure adequate vascular supply.

The harvested flap was utilized in two distinct ways: the lateral 2 cm of the flap was used to create the palatal mucosa covering the radius bone, and the medial part of the flap was used to form the nasal lining. Additionally, a 0.5 cm strip of the flap was de-epithelialized to form the superior gingivobuccal sulcus. The pedicle of the flap was tunneled subcutaneously, and the vessels were anastomosed to the facial artery, facial vein, and a tributary of the internal jugular vein in the left submandibular region.

An opening was made in the flap at the nasal passage to facilitate breathing (Figure 2C), and a nasal stent was placed to maintain this opening. The procedure was completed without any flap-related complications. The donor site on the forearm was grafted and splinted for three weeks to ensure proper healing.


Figure 2. Intraoperative views during the first stage of nasal reconstruction using a tubularized radial artery forearm flap (RAFF). (A) View immediately following the excision of scar tissue, displaying the exposed nasal cavity prepared for RAFF placement. The nasal cavity appears as a single passage due to the absence of the septum. (B) Diagram showing the design and markings on the forearm for the osteo-fasciocutaneous RAFF, emphasizing the inclusion of the cephalic vein to ensure adequate vascular supply. (C) Postoperative view following the first stage of reconstruction, showing the correctly positioned RAFF with completed anastomoses to the facial artery, facial vein, and a tributary of the internal jugular vein. An opening for breathing was created to maintain the patency of the nasal passage.


Stage 2: Nasal Passage, Support, and Cover
Six months subsequent to the initial procedure, the second stage of nasal reconstruction was initiated. This phase involved the strategic placement of two 18 French catheters through the opening of the nasal cavity, serving as stents for the nascent nasal passages. To accommodate these structures, the flap was incised to a partial thickness (Figure 3A).


Figure 3. Application of tubularized radial artery forearm flap (RAFF) in the second stage. (A) Diagram illustrating the RAFF in its original flat configuration, highlighting the ladder-like distribution of perforators along the pedicle vessel axis. (B) Detailed view of the RAFF tubularization process to form two distinct nasal passages. The flap is meticulously wrapped around an 18 French Foley catheter, ensuring structural integrity and preventing collapse during the initial healing phase.


The skin, along with underlying subcutaneous tissue, was meticulously shaped around these catheters, effectively forming two distinct nasal channels. These were lined with RAFF epithelium to ensure an effective lining (Figures 3B, 4A).

Following this, a framework of costal cartilage was sculpted, providing essential structural support for the nose (Figure 4B). This framework was precisely engineered based on standard nasofrontal and nasolabial angle measurements obtained from cephalograms, with templates guiding the meticulous carving and placement of the cartilage. A paramedian forehead flap was fashioned and applied to the nasal structure (Figure 4B). This flap contributed an extra layer of integration, blending the newly formed nasal passages with adjacent facial features (Figure 4C).

To maintain the patency and functionality of these passages throughout the healing period, customized silicone nasal splints were utilized for three months. These devices were crucial in preventing the collapse of the structural channels, thus preserving airflow and ensuring the integrity of the surgical enhancements. The deployment of these splints was pivotal in achieving outcomes that were both aesthetically pleasing and functionally robust.


Figure 4. Intraoperative views during the second stage of nasal reconstruction using a tubularized radial artery forearm flap (RAFF) and a forehead flap. (A) Display of the tubularized RAFF using 18 French catheters as stents to sculpt and stabilize the newly formed nasal passages. The skin, along with some subcutaneous tissue, is meticulously molded around the catheters, forming two distinct nasal channels. These channels are lined with RAFF epithelium, ensuring structural stability and the integrity of the nasal lining during the second stage of reconstruction. (B) The cartilaginous framework is meticulously planned based on nasofrontal and nasolabial angle measurements obtained from cephalograms, ensuring anatomical precision. Following this planning, a costal cartilage framework is installed to provide essential structural support for the nasal reconstruction. This element is crucial for maintaining both the integrity and aesthetic alignment of the reconstructed nose. (C) Display of the paramedian forehead flap application during the second stage of nasal reconstruction. This phase showcases the final application of the forehead flap, completing the external coverage, encapsulating the previously positioned tubularized RAFF, and integrating it with the facial anatomy to finalize the reconstruction.


Stage 3: Contour Corrections
Three weeks following the forehead flap procedure, minor contour corrections were implemented to refine the nasal shape and enhance symmetry. These adjustments entailed precise reshaping of the nasal framework, aimed at producing a more natural and aesthetically pleasing appearance. The corrections specifically targeted irregularities and asymmetries that had emerged post-initial reconstruction, meticulously refining the nasal contour to better align with the facial features.

This stage proved critical in achieving a final result that successfully restored both functional and aesthetic qualities. Through diligent modifications to the nasal framework, the surgical team ensured that the reconstruction met the requisite functional and aesthetic standards, markedly enhancing patient satisfaction with the outcome.

Stage 4: Pedicle Division
Six weeks following minor contour corrections, the pedicle of the forehead flap was divided and set into its final position. This critical procedure involved meticulously detaching the flap from the donor site and securing it precisely to form the desired nasal structure. To ensure the newly formed nasal passages remained open and functional, nasal splints were maintained for an additional three months, safeguarding against any potential collapse or obstruction during the crucial healing phase. This stage was essential for the stabilization and final integration of the reconstructed nasal tissues, pivotal in concluding the reconstruction process effectively.

Surgical Outcomes

Figure 5A presents the frontal view of the patient six months post-operatively, following the completion of all stages of nasal reconstruction utilizing the tubularized RAFF technique. By this phase, the forehead flap pedicle had been divided and inset, reflecting a fully healed and substantially restored nasal structure. The nasal passages remained patent without any signs of collapse, contributing to a symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing nasal contour.

Six weeks post the final stage of nasal reconstruction using the tubularized RAFF technique, nasal endoscopy assessed the patency and function of the nasal passages. A follow-up at two years, documented in Video 1, confirmed their sustained openness and functionality, highlighting the enduring success of the surgical intervention. Further visual evidence from this assessment is provided in Video 1, available at


Video 1. Nasal endoscopy conducted two years after the final stage of nasal reconstruction using the tubularized radial artery forearm flap (RAFF) technique. This video illustrates the sustained patency and functionality of the nasal passages, affirming the long-term success of the surgical intervention in preserving clear and unobstructed airways.


A three-dimensional reconstructed computed tomography scan of the skull, conducted six months after surgery, confirmed successful bone healing and integration in the central maxilla (Figure 5B). The scan revealed that the radius bone was well-integrated with adjacent bone structures, showcasing stable and effective integration. This effective integration is pivotal for the long-term functionality and stability of the nasal architecture.


Figure 5. Postoperative outcomes and computed tomography evaluation six months following the completion of all stages of nasal reconstruction utilizing the tubularized radial artery forearm flap (RAFF) technique. (A) After the division and inset of the forehead flap pedicle, the patient exhibits well-healed surgical sites and a symmetrical nasal structure. This view captures the results following the completion of all nasal reconstruction stages, with the forehead flap pedicle seamlessly integrated and without visible complications. (B) A three-dimensional reconstructed computed tomography scan of the skull demonstrates the successful integration of the radius bone into the central maxilla, confirming stable bone healing and the absence of complications in the reconstructed nasal and maxillary structures.


Efficacy of Tubularized RAFF Technique
The study focuses on a 27-year-old man who underwent a four-stage nasal reconstruction using the tubularized RAFF technique to address a total nasal defect. Postoperative evaluations confirmed that the nasal passages remained open and that bone grafts integrated seamlessly without any flap-related complications. These outcomes significantly improved both functional and aesthetic aspects of the nose, substantially enhancing the patient’s quality of life.

This research provides robust evidence supporting the efficacy of the tubularized RAFF technique in managing complex nasal reconstructions. It demonstrates the technique’s ability to effectively tackle both functional and aesthetic challenges in severe cases, highlighting its value in facial reconstructive surgery.

Strategies for Free Flap Selection 
Successful reconstruction of the nose, a complex three-dimensional structure, necessitates a profound understanding of its anatomy. Functional and aesthetically pleasing outcomes in nasal reconstruction present significant challenges, particularly in cases of total nasal defects. The complexity of these procedures is further exacerbated by the loss of adjacent tissue, complicating the restoration process.

In cases involving nasal defects accompanied by the loss of adjacent tissue, autologous reconstruction using free flaps often becomes the only viable option due to the scarcity of local tissue options. Various free flaps, such as the RAFF, temporoparietal flap, and anterolateral thigh flap, are commonly used in these intricate reconstructions. Other options, including dorsal metacarpal flaps, osteocutaneous femur flaps, posterior auricular flaps, and fascial flaps, may also be employed based on the specific demands of each case [5].

For subtotal or complete nasal defects, prefabricated scalping and forehead flaps have been valuable, providing additional versatility and support for reconstructive efforts [6]. These techniques facilitate the comprehensive restoration of both form and function, effectively addressing the multifaceted challenges inherent in three-dimensional nasal reconstruction.

RAFF Techniques for Nasal Reconstruction
The RAFF is a versatile option for reconstructing the entire nose, applicable either in a single-stage procedure or through a multi-staged approach where a forehead flap serves as the external cover. For extensive nasal defects, the traditional technique involves folding the RAFF in two planes to reconstruct the nasal vault, columella, floor, and external cover, thereby enabling a thorough reconstruction of the nasal structure.

In the initial stage, the strategic placement of a primary dorsal cartilage graft between the folded layers of the RAFF enhances both the structural support and the anatomical form of the nasal framework, as detailed in previous studies [7]. When addressing adjacent tissue defects, local flaps or de-epithelialized sections of the same flap are utilized, tailored to address these specific challenges and ensure a reconstruction that harmonizes functionality with aesthetic appeal [4].

In nasal reconstruction, the RAFF is recognized for effectively blending essential structural and aesthetic elements. This technique ensures that the reconstructed nasal framework is both durable and visually appealing, meeting the stringent criteria required in advanced facial reconstructive procedures.

Challenges With Traditional RAFF Technique
The traditional RAFF technique often falls short in managing extensive nasal reconstructions due to the complexity of defects encountered. In this case, the patient exhibited a substantial nasal defect compounded by significant damage to palatal mucosa and bone structures. Complications were further exacerbated by a superiorly displaced pyriform aperture and a misaligned anterior alveolus, adding to the reconstruction challenges.

Furthermore, addressing a vestibulo-nasal fistula and establishing a stable nasal lining presented formidable challenges with the conventional RAFF method. To counter these issues, the surgical plan incorporated bony reconstruction of the alveolus and meticulous scar tissue removal. This strategic approach adheres to Menick’s principle, emphasizing that nasal reconstructions built on an unstable foundation are prone to yielding suboptimal results [8].

In response to these foundational structural issues, we implemented the tubularized RAFF technique, specifically designed to restore functionality and enhance aesthetic outcomes. This modified approach proved effective, ensuring a stable and satisfactory reconstruction.

Tubularized RAFF for Nasal Reconstruction
The RAFF is classified as a type C flap, distinguished by its ladder-type distribution of perforators along the pedicle vessel axis (Figure 3A) [9]. This unique vascular architecture enables segmentation of the flap into multiple paddles, enhancing its versatility for complex nasal reconstructions. In this instance, the unique anatomy of the RAFF was employed to create tubularized sections that formed the nasal passages, which were temporarily supported by splints to maintain structural integrity (Figure 3B).

Given the restricted dimensions of the pyriform aperture and the absence of a nasal passage, a simple superstructure reconstruction was inadequate. The creation of skin-lined tubes faced challenges due to their natural tendency to contract and potentially collapse [10]. To counteract this, the flap was meticulously thickened to 0.8 mm and expanded by an additional 10% to compensate for potential shrinkage. This modified flap was then securely wrapped around an 18 French Foley catheter, which was maintained as a stent for six weeks to ensure structural stability and prevent collapse.

Following the initial stenting phase, the Foley catheter was replaced with silicone stents, retained for three more months to safeguard the structural integrity of the nasal passages. This strategic measure was critical to prevent the collapse of the nascent structures, thereby ensuring the functional efficacy and structural stability of the reconstruction.

Importance of Nasal Skeletal Framework
The nasal skeletal framework is essential for providing the structural integrity, projection, and contour that are vital for both the functional and aesthetic aspects of the nose. Materials such as cartilage or bone are typically used to achieve these critical features [11]. In the case described, costal cartilage was selected for its ease of harvest and proven reliability in previous applications. This cartilage was meticulously crafted into key structural components, including the dorsal nasal strut, columellar strut, and alar support grafts, ensuring the nasal structure was both stable and visually pleasing.

Challenges in Addressing Unresolved Nasal Stuffiness
Prior to surgical intervention, the patient experienced chronic nasal stuffiness, a symptom potentially indicative of empty nose syndrome [12]. Empty nose syndrome develops when extensive damage to the nasal turbinates impairs their regulatory functions in airflow and air humidification. Characteristically, empty nose syndrome manifests as a paradoxical feeling of excessive nasal openness coupled with inadequate air intake, which can result in dryness, burning sensations, and a persistent feeling of suffocation despite seemingly unobstructed nasal passages. The fundamental problem in empty nose syndrome involves the disruption of “cool air” receptors and a loss of nerve fibers essential for airflow detection. This alteration undermines the critical feedback mechanism for sensing airflow, leading to perceived blockages and profoundly affecting quality of life.

Despite surgical efforts to correct the nasal structure, the issue of stuffiness persisted postoperatively. This ongoing challenge could be due to the absence of sensory restoration in the reconstructed flap, affecting airflow perception and maintaining the sensation of stuffiness even after anatomical adjustments. Other postoperative structural changes or healing processes might also alter airflow experience, contributing to persistent nasal congestion.

Exploring surgical interventions to reconstruct or simulate the functions of the turbinates could be beneficial, especially in complex cases like this. However, fully mimicking the intricate functionality of natural turbinates is extremely challenging due to their complex structure and the delicate balance required for proper airflow and sensory feedback. Further advancements in surgical techniques and materials are necessary to improve functional and aesthetic outcomes, potentially including strategies to address turbinate dysfunction in conditions like empty nose syndrome.

Study Limitations
This study was based on a single case with a relatively short-term follow-up. A longer follow-up is necessary to fully assess the effectiveness of this procedure. Additionally, the potential relationship between associative factors, such as allergies and seasonal variations, and persistent nasal stuffiness should be further investigated.


This study presents the innovative tubularized RAFF technique for nasal reconstruction, a method not previously described in the literature. This technique has shown considerable promise, particularly in addressing total nasal defects that pose complex structural challenges beyond the scope of traditional methods. It successfully preserved the patency of nasal passages while meeting both functional and aesthetic objectives. Despite its effectiveness, the study observed some postoperative issues, including persistent nasal stuffiness and lack of sensation in the reconstructed flap. These findings underscore the need for further research and extended follow-up studies to fully assess and refine the technique’s efficacy and adaptability. Advancing this technique could potentially establish it as a preferred method for managing intricate nasal reconstructions.


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Editorial Information

Publication History

Received date: November 30, 2023
Accepted date: August 01, 2024
Published date: September 02, 2024


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Department of Plastic Surgery, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, Delhi, India
Department of Plastic Surgery, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, Delhi, India
Department of Plastic Surgery, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, Delhi, India
Department of Plastic Surgery, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, Delhi, India
Address: Room No. 219, Burn & Plastic Surgery Block, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi, Delhi 110029, India
Table 1.jpg

Figure 1.png
Figure 1. Preoperative nasal defect and reconstructive strategy. (A) Clinical photograph depicting a severe total nasal defect resulting from childhood mucormycosis, characterized by an extensive loss of nasal tissue, including the lining, structural support, and external coverage. The anterior palate, including four incisors, is severely damaged and displaced into the nasal cavity, further exacerbating the facial deformity. (B) Schematic diagram illustrating the planned reconstructive approach, showing the framework for nasal reconstruction with meticulously designed skin cover and lining, arranged around the essential structural components.
Figure 2.png
Figure 2. Intraoperative views during the first stage of nasal reconstruction using a tubularized radial artery forearm flap (RAFF). (A) View immediately following the excision of scar tissue, displaying the exposed nasal cavity prepared for RAFF placement. The nasal cavity appears as a single passage due to the absence of the septum. (B) Diagram showing the design and markings on the forearm for the osteo-fasciocutaneous RAFF, emphasizing the inclusion of the cephalic vein to ensure adequate vascular supply. (C) Postoperative view following the first stage of reconstruction, showing the correctly positioned RAFF with completed anastomoses to the facial artery, facial vein, and a tributary of the internal jugular vein. An opening for breathing was created to maintain the patency of the nasal passage.
Figure 3.png
Figure 3. Application of tubularized radial artery forearm flap (RAFF) in the second stage. (A) Diagram illustrating the RAFF in its original flat configuration, highlighting the ladder-like distribution of perforators along the pedicle vessel axis. (B) Detailed view of the RAFF tubularization process to form two distinct nasal passages. The flap is meticulously wrapped around an 18 French Foley catheter, ensuring structural integrity and preventing collapse during the initial healing phase.
Figure 4.png
Figure 4. Intraoperative views during the second stage of nasal reconstruction using a tubularized radial artery forearm flap (RAFF) and a forehead flap. (A) Display of the tubularized RAFF using 18 French catheters as stents to sculpt and stabilize the newly formed nasal passages. The skin, along with some subcutaneous tissue, is meticulously molded around the catheters, forming two distinct nasal channels. These channels are lined with RAFF epithelium, ensuring structural stability and the integrity of the nasal lining during the second stage of reconstruction. (B) The cartilaginous framework is meticulously planned based on nasofrontal and nasolabial angle measurements obtained from cephalograms, ensuring anatomical precision. Following this planning, a costal cartilage framework is installed to provide essential structural support for the nasal reconstruction. This element is crucial for maintaining both the integrity and aesthetic alignment of the reconstructed nose. (C) Display of the paramedian forehead flap application during the second stage of nasal reconstruction. This phase showcases the final application of the forehead flap, completing the external coverage, encapsulating the previously positioned tubularized RAFF, and integrating it with the facial anatomy to finalize the reconstruction.
Figure 5.png
Figure 5. Postoperative outcomes and computed tomography evaluation six months following the completion of all stages of nasal reconstruction utilizing the tubularized radial artery forearm flap (RAFF) technique. (A) After the division and inset of the forehead flap pedicle, the patient exhibits well-healed surgical sites and a symmetrical nasal structure. This view captures the results following the completion of all nasal reconstruction stages, with the forehead flap pedicle seamlessly integrated and without visible complications. (B) A three-dimensional reconstructed computed tomography scan of the skull demonstrates the successful integration of the radius bone into the central maxilla, confirming stable bone healing and the absence of complications in the reconstructed nasal and maxillary structures.

Video 1. Nasal endoscopy conducted two years after the final stage of nasal reconstruction using the tubularized radial artery forearm flap (RAFF) technique. This video illustrates the sustained patency and functionality of the nasal passages, affirming the long-term success of the surgical intervention in preserving clear and unobstructed airways.

Reviewer 1 Comments

The case highlights a sophisticated total nasal reconstruction technique employing a tubularized radial artery forearm flap (RAFF), which represents a modified approach compared to the traditional RAFF method. This approach stands out due to its intricate design, aimed at addressing the challenge of restoring both the nasal structure and internal lining, potentially leading to enhanced outcomes in terms of appearance and functionality. Its suitability for publication is based on its valuable contribution to the medical field by introducing an alternative technique that has the potential to influence future practices in nasal reconstruction surgeries. This case can serve as an educational resource for surgeons in this field. However, there are specific issues that need to be addressed before it can be published in its current state.

  1. In nasal reconstruction endeavors, the dynamics of nasal airflow warrant careful consideration. The objective extends beyond aesthetic restoration; it encompasses ensuring an unimpeded nasal cavity airflow to facilitate optimal respiratory and olfactory functionality. Accurate reconstruction of the nasal turbinates, passages, and septum is imperative to preserve the integrity of airflow dynamics and avert the risk of chronic respiratory complications. It is advisable that the authors expound upon their strategies or insights concerning the preservation of nasal airflow mechanics within their reconstructive methodology.
    RevisionThe patient's external nasal anatomy was significantly distorted, with only a single opening at the level of the nasal bones. However, CT scans and nasal endoscopy confirmed that the internal nasal structures, including the turbinates, passages, and septum, were intact and unaffected. The text in the manuscript has been revised to clarify that the reconstructive efforts focused on restoring the external nasal structure, as the internal nasal anatomy, critical for airflow dynamics, remained preserved and did not require intervention. This approach ensured that the integrity of the nasal airflow was maintained, addressing the reviewer's concerns regarding respiratory functionality.
  2. The authors indicated that in the case, the RAFF did not possess sensitivity to touch or the ability to perceive sensations comparable to those of a natural nose. As a result, the patient experienced variations in nasal congestion following the surgery. It is worth emphasizing that this explanation may not entirely align with common experiences. Typically, individuals, especially those with allergic rhinitis, may experience nasal congestion during seasonal changes or colder weather precisely because they have sensitive nasal mucosa. In this case, the flap lacked the typical mucosa to respond to temperature variations, suggesting that the loss of sensation may not be the primary cause of congestion. The thickness of the flap could potentially disrupt nasal airflow dynamics. Additional information regarding whether the patient underwent evaluations by an otolaryngologist, such as endoscopy or rhinomanometry, to assess the extent of nasal obstruction would be valuable and should be addressed by the authors.
    RevisionThe authors recognize the reviewer's concern regarding the potential discrepancy between the loss of sensation in the reconstructed nasal flap and the observed nasal congestion. To clarify, while the patient did experience variations in nasal congestion, this was not solely attributed to the loss of sensation. Instead, other factors, including the thickness of the flap and its potential impact on nasal airflow dynamics, were considered. To address this, a thorough nasal endoscopy was conducted by an otolaryngologist after the complete reconstruction. The endoscopy confirmed that the nasal passages and internal nasal opening remained patent, indicating that the structural integrity of the nasal airway was preserved despite the flap's lack of typical mucosa. The authors have elaborated on these findings in the manuscript, specifically in the sections discussing "Surgical Outcomes" and "Challenges in Addressing Unresolved Nasal Stuffiness." Additionally, a video has been included to visually support the endoscopic findings, further illustrating the preserved patency of the nasal passages. This detailed explanation aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing the patient's nasal congestion and the steps taken to evaluate and address potential nasal obstructions.
  3. The authors mentioned that as far as they are aware, this innovative tabularized RAFF flap technique for nasal reconstruction has not been previously documented in existing literature. However, it would be beneficial to explore if there are any similar cases involving total nasal and anterior palatal defects that underwent alternative surgical approaches. A valuable addition to the discussion would involve the authors comparing their case report with relevant findings in the literature.
    RevisionThe authors conducted an extensive literature review and, to the best of their knowledge, could not identify any published studies that describe a surgical procedure for a defect similar to the one presented in this case. The manuscript has been updated to reflect this finding. Additionally, the authors have highlighted the uniqueness of the tubularized RAFF flap technique for addressing both total nasal and anterior palatal defects. While the manuscript acknowledges the absence of directly comparable cases in existing literature, the discussion section has been expanded to consider alternative surgical approaches documented in related cases of complex nasal and palatal reconstruction. This comparison underscores the novelty of the approach used in this case and its potential contributions to the field of reconstructive surgery.

Reviewer 2 Comments

I enjoyed reading the article on the approach to total nasal structural defects, especially in terms of reconstructing the inner lining and osteocartilaginous skeleton. It was enlightening to see how the work proposes subtle variations in the steps of establishing the inner liner, referencing radial forearm free flap (RFFF) tabularization, and how it thoughtfully integrates techniques that are well-established in the field. Moreover, the article builds upon Menick's substantial research in a particular fashion. I offer a few observations and thoughts that could enhance the quality of this work.

  1. In today's complex case management, the integration of computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD-CAM) software is increasingly recognized as a valuable tool. This technology aids in meticulously planning the harvesting of composite tissues and in carefully programming their placement in relation to available pedicles, particularly the recipient vessels. The authors are encouraged to provide more insight into the use of advanced technologies, such as CAD-CAM software, in their study or procedural strategies. Additionally, it would be informative if the authors could further elaborate on their methods for planning and insetting, offering explanations for their chosen techniques, especially in situations where CAD-CAM software was not used.
    RevisionDue to resource constraints and the fact that the bone defect was small and limited to the anterior maxilla, CAD-CAM planning was not utilized in this case. Instead, the cartilaginous framework was planned based on standard nasofrontal and nasolabial angle measurements obtained from cephalograms. Templates were then created to guide the construction of the framework. The skin lining and cover were similarly planned using these templates, which were placed over the cartilaginous framework to ensure accurate replication of the nasal structure. The authors have expanded on this approach in the manuscript, providing detailed explanations of the methods used for planning and insetting. Additionally, figures illustrating the planning process have been added to the manuscript to enhance the understanding of the techniques employed in the absence of CAD-CAM technology.
  2. The current available information appears to lack a comprehensive assessment of the maxilla's collapse, including the extent of bone loss, the anterior maxilla's dislocation, and the effects on the hard palate, as indicated by CT scans with multiplanar reconstructions. It would be highly beneficial if the authors could kindly consider providing more extensive and detailed imaging documentation, particularly by including CT scans that incorporate multiplanar reconstructions.
    RevisionThe authors acknowledge the reviewer's concern regarding the need for a more comprehensive assessment of the maxilla's collapse, including the extent of bone loss, anterior maxilla dislocation, and the effects on the hard palate. In response, a postoperative CT scan has been added to the manuscript, demonstrating the successful incorporation of the radius bone. This scan provides detailed imaging documentation, offering a clearer view of the bone's integration and stability within the reconstructed nasal and maxillary regions. The manuscript now includes this enhanced imaging to support the discussion on the surgical outcomes, specifically addressing the reviewer’s request for more extensive and detailed documentation.
  3. There seems to be a need for additional postoperative instrumental records to confirm the accurate alignment of the radial bone with the maxilla and its integration, as well as to assess the morpho-structural changes in the premaxilla after the reconstruction. It would be greatly appreciated if the authors could provide more comprehensive postoperative documentation or supporting evidence that could assist in evaluating the outcomes and precision of the surgical procedures performed.
    RevisionThe authors acknowledge the reviewer's request for additional postoperative records to confirm the accurate alignment and integration of the radial bone with the maxilla and to assess the morpho-structural changes in the premaxilla after reconstruction. To address this, a three-dimensional reconstructed computed tomography scan of the skull, performed six months after the final surgery, has been included in the manuscript. This scan demonstrates the successful integration of the radius bone into the central maxilla, confirming stable bone healing and the absence of complications in the reconstructed nasal and maxillary structures. Additionally, a postoperative nasoendoscopy video has been included, providing indirect evidence to further support the successful outcomes and precision of the surgical procedures performed. Together, these records offer comprehensive documentation, validating the effectiveness of the reconstruction.
  4. The description of the clinical follow-up is somewhat limited, and the duration appears relatively short to make a conclusive assessment of complication-free outcomes. It would be greatly appreciated if the authors could provide a clear specification of the follow-up duration in their study and outline their intentions for extended patient monitoring to evaluate long-term outcomes. Including these details prominently in the revised manuscript, along with acknowledging the current limitations, would enhance the thoroughness and credibility of their research.
    RevisionThe authors recognize the reviewer's concerns about the limited clinical follow-up description and the relatively short duration for assessing complication-free outcomes. To address this, the manuscript has been updated to include a detailed follow-up timeline for each stage of the reconstruction, ranging from three weeks to six months, depending on the complexity of the procedure. Notably, the patient has been under continuous follow-up for two years, with a nasal endoscopy performed at the end of this period confirming the patency of the nasal passages. These follow-up details, along with a table summarizing the timeline and Video 1, have been prominently included in the revised manuscript. Additionally, the authors acknowledge the current limitations regarding the follow-up duration, which are clearly stated to enhance the thoroughness and credibility of the research.
  5. The authors are kindly invited to elaborate on certain aspects of the study. Specifically, it would be beneficial to know if there were any instances of fistulization or recurrence of distant oro-nasal communication, as well as the extent of the harvested radial osseous portion of the RFFF composite flap. Providing additional details on these points will greatly contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the surgical procedure and its outcomes.
    RevisionThe authors confirm that there were no instances of fistula formation or recurrence of distant oro-nasal communication in the patient post-operatively. To address the reviewer’s query regarding the extent of the harvested radial osseous portion, the manuscript now includes a postoperative CT scan in the "Surgical Outcomes" section that clearly shows the harvested radius. Specifically, five centimeters of bone was harvested for the procedure. These additional details have been incorporated into the "Surgical Technique" and "Surgical Outcomes" sections of the manuscript to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the surgical procedure and its outcomes.
  6. Could you please provide details about whether an osteosynthesis plate was employed on the radius as a preventive measure against fractures, or if cast immobilization was utilized during the postoperative management? Clarifying whether the radius received a surgical intervention like an osteosynthesis plate or a non-surgical approach like cast immobilization is essential for gaining a thorough comprehension of the surgical technique and postoperative care.
    RevisionThe authors clarify that titanium mini plates were used to secure the radius bone graft to the anterior maxilla. During the postoperative period, the patient was maintained on a soft solid diet for six weeks to allow for complete bony union. Regarding the radius, no osteosynthesis plate was necessary as less than one-third of the outer cortex was harvested, minimizing the risk of fractures. This information has been incorporated into the "Surgical Technique" and "Postoperative Management" sections of the manuscript to provide a comprehensive understanding of the surgical approach and postoperative care.
  7. Could the authors please provide additional details to elucidate the explanation concerning the insensitivity of the radial artery forearm flap (RAFF) in the patient? Specifically, it would be beneficial to gain insight into how this factor contributed to the patient's post-operative nasal stuffiness, which exhibits seasonal variations. Does this pertain to concerns such as the accumulation of secretions, the lack of ciliary mucus transport, or possibly another contributing factor? Further elaboration on this subject would be greatly valued to enhance comprehension.
    RevisionThe authors acknowledge the reviewer's request for clarification regarding the insensitivity of the radial artery forearm flap (RAFF) and its role in the patient's postoperative nasal stuffiness. The manuscript explains that despite successful reconstruction, the patient experienced ongoing nasal congestion, which may be attributed to the flap's lack of sensory restoration. This insensitivity could affect the patient’s ability to perceive airflow accurately, leading to a persistent feeling of nasal stuffiness, particularly noticeable during seasonal changes. The "Challenges in Addressing Unresolved Nasal Stuffiness" subsection of the "Discussion" addresses these issues, providing insight into how the characteristics of the RAFF might influence postoperative symptoms and contribute to the patient's ongoing discomfort.
  8. It appears that the text does not include any dynamic evaluations of respiration. Given this, I believe that solely depending on fibroscopy might not provide a complete picture of whether the two distant choanae remain open without collapsing or developing stenosing scars. Could the authors kindly clarify if there were any additional respiratory function tests conducted besides fibroscopy? This information would be invaluable in providing a thorough evaluation of the choanae's condition and functionality post-surgery.
    RevisionThe authors appreciate the reviewer's concerns regarding the assessment of choanal functionality following surgery. Although specific dynamic respiratory function tests were not conducted, fibroscopy was employed to evaluate the patency of the nasal passages. This method confirmed the absence of nasal obstruction or breathing difficulties during follow-ups, indicating that the choanae remained stable and functional. To further address this issue, the authors have included Video 1, captured five years postoperatively, which supports these findings. This clarification has been incorporated into the "Surgical Outcomes" section of the manuscript, thereby enhancing the overall understanding of the postoperative condition and ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of the surgical outcomes.
  9. The designation of this method as a 'new technique' might benefit from further substantiation. I would kindly suggest that the manuscript includes more robust evidence or detailed reasoning to reinforce the claim of the technique's novelty.
    RevisionThe authors acknowledge the reviewer's suggestion to further substantiate the designation of this method as a "new technique." To address this, the manuscript has been revised to include a more detailed explanation in the "Discussion" section, highlighting the aspects that contribute to the novelty of the tubularized radial artery forearm flap (RAFF) technique. The authors have conducted an extensive review of the existing literature and found no documented cases that employ this specific approach for comprehensive nasal reconstruction, particularly in cases involving both total nasal and anterior palatal defects. This technique's innovation lies in its ability to create a tubularized structure from the RAFF, providing both structural and functional restoration in complex nasal reconstructions. The manuscript now includes a comparison with existing methods to emphasize how this technique differs from traditional approaches, reinforcing its designation as a novel contribution to the field of reconstructive surgery.

Reviewer 3 Comments

This article presents a nasal reconstruction technique for total nasal defects, addressing their significant physical impact. It showcases a case study of a patient with mucormycosis-induced nasal loss, highlighting the transition from social embarrassment to restoration. The use of a tubularized radial artery forearm flap (RAFF) for reconstruction demonstrates surgical expertise. While the article is promising, certain aspects require further refinement. In summary, I believe it deserves publication because this RAFF approach holds the potential to establish itself as the preferred method for addressing difficult cases characterized by total nasal defects and concomitant structural challenges. It offers a promising avenue for restoring both form and function.

  1. Ensuring proper ventilation and drainage of the nasal sinuses is of utmost importance in nasal reconstruction surgery to minimize the risk of complications such as sinusitis. Before the surgery, it is essential to conduct thorough anatomical assessments to precisely locate sinus openings. During the surgical procedure, great care should be taken to minimize tissue damage and the formation of scars. Following the surgery, infection prevention measures become critical in preserving sinus functionality. Regular follow-up appointments are necessary to monitor the openness of the sinus passages. Therefore, while new techniques may primarily focus on enhancing the aesthetics of nasal reconstruction, it is imperative to consider functional aspects such as sinus ventilation for long-term success. Authors should explicitly address how their reconstructive approach safeguards sinus function to mitigate the need for subsequent corrective surgeries.
    RevisionThe authors acknowledge the reviewer's concerns regarding the preservation of sinus function during nasal reconstruction. The reconstructive approach focused solely on the external nasal passages, as this was the area impacted by the defect. The internal nasal anatomy was not addressed during the surgery, as it was not affected by the external reconstruction efforts. The "Surgical Technique" section of the manuscript has been updated to address this issue.
  2. The authors acknowledged that reconstructing total nasal defects with the loss of adjacent tissue is complex. Free flaps are often necessary due to limited local tissue availability. Various techniques, such as RAFF, temporoparietal flap, and anterolateral thigh flaps, are commonly used. Other options include dorsal metacarpal, osteocutaneous femur flap, posterior auricular, and fascial flaps, as well as prefabricated scalping and forehead flaps for subtotal or total nasal defects. However, the specific reasons for choosing the tubularized RAFF over other methods are not explicitly discussed in the text.
    RevisionThe authors appreciate the reviewer's request for further clarification regarding the choice of the tubularized radial artery forearm flap (RAFF) over other reconstructive techniques. The manuscript has been updated to explicitly discuss the rationale behind this decision. The RAFF was selected due to its unique combination of features that are particularly well-suited for this complex reconstruction. Specifically, RAFF provides a thin, pliable flap with an extended pedicle length, which is advantageous for intricate nasal reconstructions. Additionally, the ability to harvest bone along with the flap, based on the same pedicle, was crucial in addressing the extensive tissue and structural loss in this case. The Type C circulation of the skin paddle further enabled the effective tubularization necessary for this procedure. These characteristics made RAFF the most appropriate choice, as discussed in the "Surgical Technique" section of the manuscript, ensuring both functional and aesthetic outcomes.
  3. Addressing the limitations of this technique is essential. One key consideration is the procedure's success, which heavily relies on patient-specific factors, including the patient's overall health, surgical history, and ability to heal. In certain cases, particularly among patients with compromised immune systems or impaired healing capabilities, the procedure may yield less favorable outcomes. Moreover, it's crucial to acknowledge that this technique is resource-intensive, demanding not only a highly skilled surgical team but also extensive preoperative planning and postoperative care. Consequently, its applicability may be limited in resource-constrained settings. Additionally, any complications or challenges encountered during the staged surgery process should be discussed.
    RevisionThe authors recognize the importance of addressing the limitations of the tubularized RAFF technique, as highlighted by the reviewer. The "Study Limitations" section of the manuscript has been updated to include these considerations. The study is based on a single case with a relatively short-term follow-up, which may limit the generalizability of the findings. A longer follow-up period is necessary to fully assess the long-term effectiveness of the procedure. Additionally, the manuscript acknowledges the need to further investigate the relationship between associative factors, such as allergies and seasonal variations, and the patient’s persistent nasal stuffiness. These limitations have been carefully considered to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the procedure's potential challenges. Moreover, the authors emphasized that no surgical complications, including flap failure, flap dehiscence, infections, or postoperative breathing difficulties, were observed in this case.

Editorial Comments

  1. Given the multi-stage nature of this surgery, which spans several months and includes multiple images in the manuscript, there is a potential for readers to become confused about the timeline of events. To enhance clarity, it is advisable for the authors to explicitly state in the caption of each image the specific stage of the surgery it depicts and the duration after the start of treatment. This clarification will significantly assist readers in comprehending the chronological progression of the treatment and the healing process. Here is a revised example caption: "Figure 8: Illustration of the forehead flap used for coverage at stage II, photographed 6 months after the completion of stage I surgery."
    RevisionThe authors acknowledge the reviewer's suggestion to enhance the clarity of the multi-stage surgical process depicted in the manuscript. To address this concern, the captions for each image have been revised to explicitly state the specific stage of the surgery being depicted and the duration after the start of treatment. Additionally, the authors have included a detailed table that outlines each stage of the surgery along with the corresponding procedures performed at each stage. This table, combined with the updated image captions, provides a clear and comprehensive understanding of the chronological progression of the treatment and the healing process, ensuring that readers can easily follow the timeline of events as described in the manuscript.
  2. The illustration in Figure 3 is exceptionally well-crafted and aesthetically pleasing. It is important to acknowledge that the copyright of this image is retained by the author, and its use is solely for the purpose of this article's publication.
    RevisionThe authors appreciate the reviewer’s kind words regarding the illustration in Figure 3. As acknowledged, the copyright for this image is retained by the authors and is reserved solely for the purpose of this article's publication. This has been explicitly noted to ensure proper usage and adherence to copyright guidelines. The authors thank the reviewer for bringing this important matter to attention.
  3. To adhere to the legal and ethical standards set by our publisher concerning patient privacy and the use of images, we request the implementation of a black bar over the eyes or the use of a mask to obscure the entire face, leaving only the relevant area exposed, for the purpose of safeguarding the patient's identity. Additionally, it is imperative to secure written informed consent, confirming the patient's comprehension and agreement that their image will be disseminated in a medical journal or as part of a case report.
    RevisionThe authors acknowledge the reviewer's concerns regarding patient privacy and the use of images in the manuscript. In response, the authors have obscured the patient's identifying features by concealing the relevant areas in the images, in accordance with the guidelines. The study strictly adheres to the ethical principles outlined in the 1964 Helsinki Declaration and its subsequent revisions, ensuring that the research is conducted ethically and responsibly. These ethical standards govern the use of human subjects in research, and the authors have taken extensive care to ensure compliance with all guidelines to protect the well-being and privacy of the participants.
  4. The caption for Figure 3 may need enhancement. Figure 3 exhibits preoperative markings for a radial artery forearm flap, precisely outlining the vascular structures to be incorporated into the flap. While abbreviations like "RA" for radial artery and "CV" for cephalic vein are standard in flap surgeries to denote specific vessels, it is advisable for the author to clarify these abbreviations within the image to improve its comprehensibility. For instance, they could provide explanations such as "RA" referring to the radial artery and "CV" indicating the cephalic vein.
    RevisionThe abbreviations "RA" and "CV" in Figure 2B have been elaborated for clarity. "RA" now explicitly refers to the radial artery, and "CV" indicates the cephalic vein. These clarifications have been made to enhance the comprehensibility of the image, ensuring that readers can clearly interpret the preoperative markings. This update is reflected in the caption of Figure 2B in the manuscript.
  5. In accordance with the guidelines set by our publication, we kindly request the inclusion of the academic and professional credentials of each author, including designations like MD or MD, PhD. Including these qualifications allows readers to assess the expertise and professional qualifications of the authors, enhancing the overall credibility and integrity of the published content.
    RevisionThe authors' academic and professional credentials have been updated in accordance with the publication's guidelines. The qualifications now include the designation "MD" for relevant authors. These additions have been made to provide readers with a clear understanding of the authors' expertise, thereby enhancing the credibility and integrity of the published content.

Chandrasekar S, Tiwari R, Singhal M. Innovative tubularized radial artery forearm flap technique for comprehensive reconstruction of total nasal and anterior palatal defects: A case study. Int Microsurg J 2024;8(2):1.