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Article Processing Charge

All the journals of SciTeMed Publishing Group follow the Open Access Policy of publication, there is no charge for subscription or "pay-per-view" fees, all the journals’ contents are freely accessible over the internet.

SciTeMed Publishing Group is a self-supporting organization and does not receive funding from any institution/government. Thus, the management of the journals is solely financed by the Article Processing Charges received from authors. Article Processing Charges are required to cover operations expenses such as employees’ salaries, server hosting, web and application development, data maintenance, professional/regulatory fees, and other infrastructure expenses.

We understand that some individuals or institutions may have limited funding for their research.  To accelerate the dissemination of high-quality publications without putting undue financial burden on researchers or their institutions. We have instituted an Article Processing Charge Waiver System that may ease the payment of the article processing charge. Please see Waivers and Discounts section for more details.

We No Longer Need Expensive Publishing Networks!

Traditional publishers reap high profits by putting up several barriers to dissemination of research results, including (1) charging fees to authors and imposing restrictions on copyright; and (2) imposing high prices to readers and libraries in order to maintain high profits and an obsolete infrastructure. Although open access publishing models provide efficient methods for disseminating research findings, the article processing fees remain expensive and unfordable for authors, in particular young researchers.

An exploitative open-access publishing business model involves charging publication fees to authors without providing editorial and publishing services. Some of the fraudulent and predatory journals even accept poor quality articles as long as authors pay them for Article Processing Charges. You can determine whether journals are predatory by reviewing their websites, quality of PDF as well as transparent review system. Be cautious not to be misled by predatory practices into publishing with them, in particular if your articles are accepted without any reviewing, and all they request you is to pay the fees for publication.

Article Processing Charge

SciTeMed Publishing Group charges $790 per article accepted for publication as a requirement associated with open access publishing. In an effort to reduce the burden of publication fees and to increase readership of scholarly texts, SciTeMed now offers an open access publishing option with a minimal fee of $99 for articles selected by SciTeMed's editors. On a case-by-case basis, we also offer waivers to article contributors for their article processing fees, ranging between 30-50%. It is not uncommon for authors from low-income and lower-middle income countries to receive such full waivers following their request.

It is important to note that editorial decisions are never influenced by the financial capacity of the author. SciTeMed's editors are not involved in communication with authors associated with Article Publication Charges. The waiver system is managed by administrative staff who are not involved in the decision making process related to the acceptance of articles.

For more information regarding waivers, please contact us at: