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Can Whole Slide Imaging Replace Conventional Microscopic Evaluation? A Comparative Study over a Spectrum of Cases

Journal of Applied Clinical Pathology. 2018;1(1):4
DOI: 10.24983/scitemed.jacp.2018.00060
Article Type: Original Article


Whole slide scanning has made digital pathology and telepathology a reality. The quality of the image is crucial to enable accurate diagnosis. The purpose of this pilot study was to compare the agreement between diagnosis by scanned slides and conventional microscopy. Fifty-eight surgical pathology cases with a variety of diagnosis from different organs were retrieved. Single slides from each of these cases were scanned, and both the scanned slides and the original glass slides were reviewed at low and high power by two independent pathologists using both conventional microscopy and scanned slides. At low power, for most of the slide pairs, it was more difficult to evaluate the scanned slides because most of these slides had less well-defined architectural features. Nonetheless, there was 100 percent agreement in diagnosis for each pair of slides for all 58 cases. At high power, it was significantly more difficult to evaluate the scanned slides because of loss of cytologic detail on the scanned slide that was visible on the original glass slide. However, since, in some of the cases with low cellularity and less complex cytology, the high-power images were of the same quality as on the original slide, the system seems to be amenable to improvement.


  • Conventional microscopy; grading system; morphological features; perineural and lymphovascular invasion; whole slide imaging


Digital Pathology as a field has grown significantly in the last thirty years [1]. In recent years it is being utilized for various purposes including intra-operative consultation, quality assurance and teaching. Whole slide scanning can be an effective tool for telepathology [2,3]. The quality of the images needs to be carefully assessed to ensure that the accuracy of the diagnosis is not compromised. It is equally important to ascertain if cellular details are as clear as under microscopy in higher magnifications. This pilot study compares the agreement in diagnosis between scanned slides and conventional microscopy in both low and high magnifications.

Materials and Methods

Single slides from fifty-eight (58) surgical pathology cases were scanned using a Mikroscan D2-V2 Ver whole slide scanner system which then provides televised projections of these slides. Each scanned slide and then its corresponding original glass slide were reviewed at low and high power by two pathologists independently first using the televised projections of each scanned slide and then conventional microscopy on each corresponding original glass slide. The cases included 15 malignancies, 19 benign neoplasms (mainly colonic adenomas or hyperplasias), 3 normal tissues including a bone marrow biopsy, 5 inflammatory states, 10 benign dermatopathological cases and 6 miscellaneous cases (including 1 calcified valve leaflet, 1 atherosclerotic plaque, 1 steatohepatitis, 1 gastropathy, 1 colonic mucosa with lymphoid aggregates and 1 cataract). The quality of the scanned slide in comparison to conventional microscopy was semi-quantitatively scored, using a scoring system from 0 to 4, with score 0 being poor quality of the scanned slide and score 4 being excellent quality. The scoring was performed at both low and high magnification. The highest achievable score was 232, i.e., grade of 4 on all 58 cases.


The highest score for any individual case was 3 (very good). Diagnosis of all 58 cases was identical by both scanned slide and conventional microscopy by both pathologists (100% agreement) at both low and high power. The overall scores given for the cases at low and high power by each pathologist is given in Table 1.

*Scores reported are the cumulative semi quantitative score of all 58 cases.

As can be seen in this table, both pathologists evaluated the scanned slides as being of significantly lower quality than the original glass slides. These are reflected in the overall scores for the low scanned slides where there was close agreement between the two scores, 110 and 113, both of which are significantly less than the highest score of 232.

The scores for the high-power slides were even lower compared with the best possible score of 232 (Table 1). Although these scores differed between the two pathologists, 58 and 87, both scores were much lower than those for the corresponding low power comparisons. This was caused by the absence of morphologic details on the high power scanned slides. While it was possible to make the correct diagnosis on all 58 scanned high-power slides, these slides would be inadequate for providing critical information that is often required. For example, Modified Richardson Scoring for breast cancer, assessing mitotic count, identifying single cell necrosis, identifying lymphovascular or perineural invasion, Fuhrman scoring of renal neoplasms etc. which needed crisp cellular details at high power were not assessable with accuracy using scanned slides compared to conventional microscopy resulting in the lower scores for the scanned high-power slides. In contrast, definitive diagnoses were made much more easily by examining overall architectural features of the scanned slide under low power resulting in higher score at lower magnification.

The pathologists encountered difficulty especially with cases with high cellularity or cases with subtle differences between individual cells such as bone marrow biopsy. Certain cases with monotonous and bland cytology such as low grade neuroendocrine tumors, malignant bone marrow specimens and dermatologic malignancies had good correlation between conventional microscopy and scanned slides at high power. Also, the pathologists observed that the slide section thickness did affect the quality of the scanned images. Slides with thinner sections produced better images than the ones with thicker sections.


Digital pathology has gained huge momentum in this decade with new developments each year. It has several advantages including cost savings, improved performance and work-flow. It is also a great tool for telepathology [4]. Recent advances in computer-based diagnostics have made whole slide scanning appear to be replacing conventional microscopy in coming years. Despite these advantages, the process of convincing practicing pathologists to adapt to digital images and to shift them from conventional microscopy is a great challenge. The quality of the digital images is one of the key factors that would influence pathologists to accept or reject this modality of slide review. Although the performance of most scanners is commendable at low magnification, the same does not hold true in higher magnifications. It is essential to address this problem as pathologic diagnosis of most cases are arrived at based on the architecture of the tissue at low magnification along with the cytologic details appreciated at higher magnification. Hence the quality of the image cannot be compromised on either magnification.

In our study, we graded the quality of images with ‘0’ being poor quality and ‘4’ being excellent quality. As we had 58 cases in total, the highest achievable score was 232. The two pathologists who reviewed the slides gave higher scores for these cases at lower magnification than higher magnification. The relatively low scores of 58 and 87 at higher magnification indicate that the system is not ready yet to be employed as an alternative to conventional microscopy. For example, prostate adenocarcinomas of Gleason score 4 and above are easy to identify with the scanned images while Gleason score 3 and details including perineural and lymphovascular invasion were not detected on the scanned slides. Although there was hundred percent agreement with the diagnosis between microscopy and scanned images, it is important to emphasize that diagnosis alone is not sufficient in most cases as there are other details that need to be documented in the pathology report that are of therapeutic and prognostic significance. These include such observations as nuclear grade, mitotic counts, lymphovascular invasion and capsular invasion to name a few.

The pathologists primarily relied on low power images to arrive at a diagnosis in our study. We ensured to include a wide range of diagnosis in our study from normal to benign to malignant tumors to avoid any possible bias due to complex architecture and cytologic features specific to a particular diagnosis. Although the low power scores were higher, it still did not seem to be quite satisfactory as the scores were nearly half (110 and 113) of what was highest possible score (232). The highest score for any individual case was 3. None of the images were of excellent quality (grade 4) on both magnifications.

Whole slide scanners should also be able to reproduce the image consistently after multiple scans. It is a known problem that the same slide scanned by same scanner at different times may appear different due to external factors including temperature and mechanical shifts. With the advent of computer-based diagnostics, high quality and reproducibility of scanned images can directly impact the diagnosis [5]. Quality of the image is also affected by factors such as thickness of the section, staining and fixation which are difficult to standardize. Studies show that thickness of the section affects the color appearance and details of the image with thinner sections demonstrating clearer details and thicker sections showing unclear details which was also the case with our study [6].

Multiple studies have shown good concordance between the diagnosis by conventional microscopy and whole slide images. Studies comparing diagnostic accuracy and agreement between glass and virtual slides by Mooney et al. on dermatopathology cases, Chargari et al. and Fine et al. on prostate needle core biopsies, Gilbertson et al. on genitourinary and dermatopathology cases all reiterated that there is excellent concordance between the two methods [7-10]. Studies by Tsuchihashi et al. and Fallon et al. revealed that whole slide scanned images can be helpful for frozen section diagnosis where the frozen artifacts sometimes make it difficult to interpret even by conventional microscopy [11,12].


Our study showed 100 percent concordance between conventional microscopy and scanned images for the diagnosis alone while further delineation of grading or assessment of more details at the cellular level was not convincing enough by scanned slides to replace conventional microscopy. However, with the current configurations, this system may be adequate for routine histopathological diagnosis which does not necessarily need high power for complete diagnosis. This system seems to be amenable to improvement as there were several cases with clear cellular morphology at higher magnification in our study.


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  11. Tsuchihashi Y, Takamatsu T, Hashimoto Y, Takashima T, Nakano K, Fujita S. Use of virtual slide system for quick frozen intra-operative telepathology diagnosis in Kyoto, Japan. Diagnostic Pathology 2008;3(Suppl. 1):S6. PMID: 18673520; PMCID: PMC2500112; DOI: 10.1186/1746-1596-3-S1-S6
  12. Fallon MA, Wilbur DC, Prasad M. Ovarian frozen section diagnosis: use of whole-slide imaging shows excellent correlation between virtual slide and original interpretations in a large series of cases. Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine 2010;134(7):1020-1023. PMID: 20586631; DOI: 10.1043/2009-0320-OA.1



Editorial Information

Publication History

Received date: December 20, 2017
Accepted date: March 05, 2018
Published date: April 30, 2018


A preliminary version of this study was presented in poster form at the 2nd Digital Pathology Congress USA, July 14-15, 2016, Philadelphia, PA, USA.



Conflict of Interest



© 2018 The Author (s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY).

Department of Pathology, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY, USA
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Service, VA New York Harbor Health Care System, Brooklyn, NY, USA
Department of Pathology, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY, USA
Department of Pathology, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY, USA
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Service, VA New York Harbor Health Care System, Brooklyn, NY, USA
  1. Department of Pathology, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY, USA
  2. Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Service, VA New York Harbor Health Care System, Brooklyn, NY, USA
Department of Pathology, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY, USA
Department of Pathology, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY, USA
Table 1.JPGThe overall scores given by each pathologist at low and high power for the 58 cases, each case being scored on a scale of 0 (poor quality of scanned slide) to 4 (excellent quality of scanned slide). *Scores reported are the cumulative semi quantitative score of all 58 cases.

Reviewer Comments 

  1. Overall, the manuscript can be improved in English, logic presentation of data, clearer data or results presentation.
    ResponseThe manuscript has been revised as documented in our responses below to the specific suggestions of the reviewer.
  2. Title: doesn’t feel like to be in line with the content of the article.
    ResponseThe reviewer feels that the title does not reflect the content of the paper. We have therefore changed the title to the direct question that we are evaluating: “Can whole slide imaging replace conventional microscopic evaluation? A comparative study over a spectrum of cases,” this title states the purpose of our study more clearly.
  3. Abstract could be descripted with more clarity: e. g. “Single slides… were reviewed at low and high power” – are the low and high power here meaning in both scanned slides and conventional microscopy? The sentence “cellular morphologic…” is confusing, and the last sentence was not clearly described neither.
    ResponseThe reviewer suggests two changes in the Abstract that would make it clearer. First, the reviewer suggests that we define if low and high power evaluations of the slides were performed for both scanned slides and their original glass counterparts. We have changed the Abstract (page 2 of the revised manuscript) to explain clearly that each slide was scanned, and both the scanned and original slide were evaluated both at low power and then at high power by two pathologists independently. Second, the reviewer states that the last several sentences of the Abstract are confusing. We have changed these sentences to state clearly that scanned slides at high power lose cellular detail that is apparent on the original glass slides for most cases. In some cases where there is a reduced number of cells and/or the cytological features are less complex, the high power scanned slides are of better quality.
  4. Materials and Methods: first sentence – does the low and high power mean for both methods? Line 4 after “3 normal tissues”, the “including one normal bone marrow biopsy” could be shortened as 1 bone marrow biopsy; How the grading was conducted, by a third party? What does the grading system refer to? How were the scores obtained: e.g. each slide/scanned image, with both in low and high power, was reviewed by the 2 pathologists independently, then checked by a third party by scoring 0 – 4? Was the comparison between those 2 pathologists including: conventional slide in low vs. high power, and scanned image in low vs. high power?
    Response(1) The reviewer questions whether the study is performed both by scanned slide evaluation and original slide evaluation at both high and low power. As we state on page 3 of our revised manuscript, "Each scanned slide and then its corresponding original glass slide were reviewed at low and high power by two pathologists independently, first using the televised projections of each scanned slide and then conventional microscopy on each corresponding original glass slide." (2) The reviewer then suggests that we include the bone marrow biopsy together with the other two normal tissues. We have now done this on page 3, 7 lines down from the Materials and Methods section title. (3) The reviewer questions whether the scoring was performed by a "third party". As we state in the Materials and Methods section, on page 3, 3 lines from the bottom of this section, " The scoring was performed at both low and high magnification comparing both methods by both pathologists." There was no "third party" involvement. The scoring was done semi-quantitatively by the pathologists. The pathologists compared the quality of the scanned images to conventional microscopy both at low and high power for each case. The scores ranged between 0 to 4 with 0 being poor quality and 4 being excellent quality. The method section has been modified to clarify any possible confusing statements. (4) The reviewer inquires about the grading system. As stated in the Materials and Methods section, on page 3, 4 lines from the bottom of this section, "The quality of the scanned slide in comparison to conventional microscopy was semi-quantitatively scored." This score ranges from 0 (no agreement) to 4 (complete agreement). The reviewer then inquires as to how each score was obtained, i.e., was it obtained by a third party rating how closely the two pathologists agreed using both high and low power of the scanned and the original glass slide. As we state in the Materials and Methods section, on page 3, each pathologist scores, semi-quantitatively, the closeness of agreement for the two slides from each case. The overall score is then the sum of the scores for the 58 pairs of slides (scanned and original glass); as we state on the bottom line of this section in the revised manuscript, "The highest achievable score was 232, i.e., grade of 4 on all 58 cases." The reviewer inquires whether the "third party" rates the agreement between the two pathologists overall for the high and low power evaluations on a scale of -0-4. Again, we note that there is no third party. What is being compared is the quality of the scanned slides compared with the corresponding original glass slides as determined by each pathologist independently, not the closeness of the scores by the independent pathologists.
  5. Results: the first sentence is not necessary or can be moved to the Materials and Methods section (reader can deduce this number from the score method). The 100% agreement sentence – on all 58 cases? Between the scanned and original slide in both low and high power? What was the data to support the sentence of “Diagnosis at high power for scanned slides was difficult…”? There weren’t any data to support the “two factors…, slide <2u section thickness and >15u cell diameters” section neither (what the grading system mean here?); and what was the data to support the sentence “The least satisfactory resolutions…” and the same for the last sentence.
    Response(1) As suggested by the reviewer, we have removed the first sentence in the original manuscript and included it as the last sentence in the Materials and Methods section. (2) The reviewer questions the meaning of the statement that the final diagnosis was the same for all 58 slide pairs. By 100 percent agreement, we mean that the diagnoses of all the cases were the same by both methods on all 58 cases both at low and high power. However, the slide qualities of the scanned slides, especially at high power, made diagnosis more difficult. Specific examples of cases where high power images were not satisfactory and in turn led to poor scores have been included now in the Results section. (3) We have removed the sentence," Diagnosis at high power for scanned slides was difficult in multiple cases due to loss of cellular morphological features." However, the data to support this statement are evident in Table 1, where the scores for high power diagnosis are much lower than those for low power diagnosis. This is due to the fact that cellular detail is, in general, poor for scanned slides at high power. (4) The reviewer states that there were no data to support the statement in the original manuscript that "For slides having < 2u section thickness and cell diameters > 15u, the grading system scores were 3." We have removed this statement. Since, overall, we found that slide section thickness did affect the quality of the scanned images (thinner sections gave better detail), we have included the statement at the bottom of page 3 and top of page 4: "Also, the pathologists observed that the slide section thickness did affect the quality of the scanned images. Slides with thinner sections produced better images than the ones with thicker sections." The reviewer asks what the grading system means here. The grading system, as defined on page 3 of the Materials and Methods section, measures slide quality of scanned slides relative to that of the original glass slide. The reviewer questions our statement that the least satisfactory resolution was for bone marrow sections. We have omitted this statement although the lowest scores were obtained for these sections. We have also omitted the last sentence of the Results section in the original manuscript.
  6. Table 1 is confusing: may need more data, or restructure, or add legends. If the grade scoring was done between the 2 pathologists, what do the scores mean for each individual one? Are those comparisons for diagnosis?
    ResponseAs per the reviewer's suggestion, we have added an explanatory legend to Table 1. The reviewer then inquires if the scores in Table 1 are for concordance between the two pathologists. As we have stated in 4C and 4D above and in the Materials and Methods section of the revised manuscript (page 3), the scores are for each pathologist independently. (There is no third party that rates the extent of agreement between the two pathologists.) These scores are the sums of the scores, i.e., cumulative scores, for each of the 58 cases. For each case, each pathologist scores how well the scanned slide reproduces the original glass slide on a scale of 0 (poor quality) to 4 (excellent reproduction of the original slide). The reviewer repeats the question as to what the scores mean and further asks if the scores are for comparison of diagnosis. As we note above (4C and 4D), the scoring was not done for the diagnosis. The scoring was done to assess the quality of the images relative to conventional microscopy.
  7. Conclusion of the study should be clearly stated.
    ResponseWe have stated the conclusion more clearly as per the reviewer's suggestion.