Dr. Murray Grossan received his medical degree from Medical College of Georgia School of Medicine and has been in practice for more than 20 years. In addition to authoring academic articles, Dr. Grossan has authored some half a dozen books that stress Prevention, Natural Cures, Drugless Relief and Avoiding Surgery. Dr. Grossan is a consultant for: Los Angeles County District Attorney, U.S. Department of Labor, Freemont Insurance, Water and Power, Industrial Indemnity, Los Angeles City, L.A. County, Culver City, Manhattan Beach, and others President, Los Angeles Chapter of Phi Lambda Kappa Medical Fraternity. He was awarded the Certificate of Merit for the Scientific Exhibit "Nasal Mucociliary Flow", by American Medical Association. Dr. Grossan is an expert in bio-feedback and teaches his patients his action program which includes using a mirror as a bio-feedback mechanism. He is known for original thinking, especially for drug free therapies he has developed for tinnitus, empty nose syndrome, allergy, sinusitis and others.